What a surprise! I've been awarded a Versatile Blogger Award by Debra Ann Elliott. Thank you so much, Debra.
To check out Debra's blog Writing with Debra, click here.
Of course, I can't just accept the award. This award comes with rules. Who knew awards had rules? Anyway, here they are:
Rules for The Versatile Blogger Award
Thank and link back to the person who gave you this award.
Share seven things about you.
Pass the award along to other deserving bloggers. (I've seen some rules state 15 other blogs, others say 10, some just say pass it on. I will try to pick ten.)
Contact the bloggers you’ve picked and let them know about the award.
Seven Things About Me
- I believe in equality. When it is time for dessert, my portion should be just as big as yours
- I believe that if people were meant to pop out of bed in the morning, we'd all sleep in toasters.
- I believe in unicorns. They are all grey and fat and some people call them rhinos.
- I know Kung fu and 20 other dangerous words.
- I dream of a better tomorrow, a world where chickens can cross the road and not have their motives questioned.
- My parents always told me I could become anything I wanted, so I became a blogger.
- Sometimes when it is very quiet, I can hear my brain cells die. Poof! Gone.
But seriously, I should make it a bit more personal, shouldn't I? And perhaps...serious? Okay, let's try again.
Seven Things About Me
1. I have very long eye lashes.
2. I get together with my mother every Friday afternoon.
3. I have a cat named Shadow.
4. I can speak four languages—English, German, Italian, and Japanese.
5. My children's book, The Secret Life of Mrs. Kormann, will be released in October.
6. I have trouble shopping for clothing because I am a size 5 and the selection is always limited.
7. I am lucky enough to have inherited a bit of money that allows me to stay home and write, write, write. Yeah, I know...you hate me right now.
Oh, and if I could add one more, it would be that I wish all the above things were true. Aah...delusions of grandeur...aren't they...grand? How I wish some of those things were true.
All right. Here it is. My last list. THE list. This one is the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Of course, that means it is a lot less interesting than the other lists.
1. I don't like raw tomatoes.
2. I love the smell of honeysuckle.
3. I enjoy the sound of birds chirping. I am also a big fan of music composed by humans.
4. I have one sister, three brothers, and three step-sisters. Most of them have 2 or 3 children. All of them live thousands of miles away. It's just me, my wonderful husband, and our daughter here. Some days I find that good, others not so good.
5. I think I am allergic to mornings. That may have something to do with me being a night owl.
6. My middle name is Ann. I hate it. It think it is so boring.
7. Before studying to be a teacher, I worked as a secretary for a lawyer.
Now that that is finished, here are the people I feel are deserving of this award (or at least those that I read and enjoy and who don't have a kazillion of this award already).
Laurie Kolp. She has two blogs. One is called Conversations with Laurie, where she posts poetry and other writing, and the second blog is Conversations with a Cardinal, where she shares life stories.
Michelle Hed. On her blog, The Pen, Lens and Brush, Michelle highlights all her artistic talents—writing, photography and painting.
Terri French. Terri also shares her wonderful photos and combines them with haiku on her blog themullingmuse. She teaches courses in haiku and writes articles for a local newspaper (among her many other talents.)
Margo Jodyne Dills. On her blog, It's Always Something, she shares her poetry. I love popping in to see her latest work. At the moment she is busy on revisions for a novel.
Beth R+V. Her blogis Rhubarb and Venison. A North Dakota food blog? You betcha. Here you can find loads of great recipes and interesting cooking tidbits.
Katarina Hofke at the blog totallykati. Yeah, okay...I admit. She is my daughter. But I think it is cool that a 12-year old blogs on a range of subjects from make-up, movie tips, books, and friendship. She blogs in German and never seems to use the spell check (let's call it creative spelling?), but I give her a thumbs up for for creative thinking and effort. At least she doesn't just write about herself.
Greg Johnson. His blog is My Journey to Wellness. Diagnosed with MS but more likely, in his belief, aspartame poisoning, he talks about the dietary and life changes he has made on the way to recovery. These ideas are not just helpful for him, but can benefit us all. A wealth of nutritional and health information is listed.
Joyce Shor Johnson whose blog has the same name as her. What can I say about this blog? She blogs about a variety of different topics and always holds my interest. If you want to know what those topics might be, go check it out.
E.J. Wesley at The Open Vein. For the month of April he has written about various topics regarding writing but done so intertwined with humor. I came across his blog through the A to Z Blogging Challenge and am glad I did. I like his style. Always a good read.
Matt Conlon at =]V[=. He considers himself a a Bostonian father, network technician, and all around geek and writes about diversified subjects. I love this blog. He also has a beer blog. I am not a beer drinker myself but if you are, why not see what he has to say there. (yeah, I know you already have a few of these, Matt, but I think you deserve another)
That's ten. Sure, I could think of others. I also enjoy the book reviews at Discriminating Reader and the poems at Enthusiastic Soul or The Poet Tree. I get a real kick out of The Alliterative Allomorph this month. Each day a new mystery word is defined/presented for everyone to guess. That's fun. I also like Fudge me..that's good! The title alone makes me laugh and the recipes/photos look delicious. I could go on and on and on. I am hoping someone will hand out awards to them sometime. If not, I guess they will be on the list for the next time I receive one. :-)
Thanks again, Debra Ann Elliott, and congratulations to my recipients. Keep on blogging!
Wow. Mil gracias, chica! (That's close enough to Italian, isn't it?)
I am deeply honored and LOVE your lists.
In the next couple days I will do my best to respond to this award bestowed upon my humble self and comply with the "rules." In English: "Thank you a thousand times over!"
Kudos! I enjoy your lists v. much! :)
Thanks, Nikki. I enjoyed your poem today.
Congrats and what perfect timing (or you did like I did and saved the award to use as a letter post for the challenge.)
Nah! If I were smart,I would have saved it for V, but I am three days behind and only finished R yesterday. The letter S will be going up shortly (as soon as I get the photos to load). It will be a color one.
Thank you for passing on the award! I will do my best to follow suit.
Linda - I just love this! You are so funny! You are really a very talented writer! Thanks for the nod - I will try to respond in the next week!
Thanks again!
Great job and congrats you definitely deserve it.
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