As you may have noticed, an announcement has not yet been made regarding the winner(s) of the haiga contest. There were so many lovely haiku submitted to go with my photo that the task of narrowing them down has proved a bit more challenging than expected. Claudette and I have both made our shortlists of five. We agree on about half. So we will be cutting the lists down more and hope to post the winner(s) but the end of the week. Sorry for the delay.
If anyone is interested in taking part in a poem-a-day writing challenge, it is not too late to join in on the fun over at Creative Bloomings. For this year's summer challenge Walt has already created some great prompts for the "Granada Camp for Wayward Poets". As school is still winding down here, I am a bit slow on the draw and have only written two so far (and posted none.) I hope to post all of my work at a later day. In the meantime I enjoy reading the other work and you might enjoy the posted poems, too. To check it out, go to Creative Bloomings BY CLICKING HERE.
My friend Ina is the next participant in the Virtual Blog Tour. To read about her and her writing life, visit her blog, In Our Books, BY CLICKING RIGHT HERE. At the bottom of her post she has links to several friends who are also participating. Be sure to check them out.
I have a Poem in the latest edition of Mouse Tales. Want to read it? To go to MOUSE TALES CLICK HERE.
I also have a haibun on page 27 of Issue 13 of Prune Juice. READ MY HAIBUN HERE.
Lastly, this is not poetry-related or dealing with writing or language but...
WOOHOOOO! Germany advanced in the World Cup!!! This makes me hopeful. We've come so close the past few years and this team, which has trained together for several years now, might actually go that extra mile and take the cup. I am keeping my fingers crossed. The last game is going to be a hard one.
If any of you have been following along and want to write a poem about the World Cup games, feel free to post it in the comment section (or on your blog and then post a link in the comments section.) I haven't seen many soccer poems and think it would be pretty cool.
As always, thanks for stopping by Lind-guistics.