Thursday, February 13, 2014

Last Week and Tomorrow

Hey, everyone! I've been so busy. Busy with writing challenges (Start the Year off Write! and other writing challenges). Busy with my family (long walks with hubby, long chats with daughter). Busy with every day tasks (cooking, cleaning, exercising). Just busy with life and not often taking time to blog.

Today I thought I'd take time to share a few things with you.

Firstly, have you heard of Poetic Bloomings? Each Sunday P.B. Posts a poetry prompt. You write a poem, submit it, and on Sunday two winners are chosen. At the end of the year a book is usually published of the winning poems. On Wednesdays, a poetic form prompt is posted.

Well, Poetic Bloomings is now called Creative Bloomings, because Walt has expanded to include Flash fiction prompts, photography, and more. Also, there are guest hosts who help each week.

AND the big News is...last week I took part in the weekly challenge AND MY POEM WAS CHOSEN AS ONE OF THE WINNERS!!! (insert my silly happy dance  here)

Here is a link to the post announcing the winning poems:

So that is my writing news for today.

Secondly, I'd like to talk about tomorrow. You all know what tomorrow is, right? Valentine's Day. It's not really a day I look Forward to. I find it very commercial. The prices of roses (or flowers in general) are outrageous for the 14th, and I don't think I need a day to remind my husband I love him (or for him to remind me he loves me). After all, we do have our anniversary. After all, we do try to express that as often as we can throughout the year (in ways others than buying something).

Last year my daughter called the 14th the "Forever Alone Day". This year she has a boyfriend and is all gung-ho for Valentine's Day. But there are plenty of others out there without a husband/ boyfriend/wife/girlfriend who just want to forget the day exists.

If you are one of those who say Bah-Humbug on Valentine's Day, for whatever reason, I offer you these alternatives:

1) Spend the day with a elderly widow/widower and bring chocolates. They will enjoy your company and chocolate makes everything better, right?

2) Spend the day with your dear old friend Jack. Drink until you forget it's Valentine's Day. (But do this at home so you don't need to drive anywhere.)

3) Spread the love in some other way. Volunteer at a food bank. Give free hugs. Whatever. Just be nice in some way. Show people that kindness still exists.

4) Get a bunch of friends together and sing love songs all night. Really loud. Until you either pee yourselves from laughing too hard or lose your voice. Just be silly and have a good time. Life is too short. Maybe dance a funny dance, too. Let your inner geek come out. Just be a lovable weirdo for once.

AND one of my favorites...the 14th is also International Book Giving Day. I think this is great and I'm taking part. If you want to find out what it's all about and how to become involved, CLICK HERE for all the information.

Whatever you plan on doing tomorrow, I hope you have a day that turns out exactly how you want it to. Enjoy!

I think I might make another heart-shaped cake.